BasKette is a stripping basket that you never have to empty. It floats and drains automatically through drainage holes in the bottom. A dry stripping basket enables you to throw you line further out and reduces filtering.
Baskette has a ring of drainage holes inside its bottom. They cause the water to drain immediately. If the stripping basket is put fully under water e.g. due to a big wave then the buoyancy press the BasKette up while the water drains through the drainage holes.
BasKette is equipped with a magnet inside the middle spike. The magnet can be used to fixate the fly during fly switching or when the tip is changed.
BasKette comes with a solid belt that can be adjusted in and out by buckle. The belt is elastic and made without any loose ends or sewings that can catch the line. The belt is fastend on the outside of the stripping basket, which means no wholes where the water can flow into the BasKette.
BasKette’s five spikes are extra high. This is to prevent the line from filtering when you wade into deep water or when you fish in high waves. Buoyancy lifts the stripping basket towards the surface and hereby water drains. Therefore the stripping basket is drained faster than the line rises in the water. The high spikes also prevent the line from being lifted out of the basket and filtering.
BasKette comes with a classic rod rest. In strong weather you can also use the line lock to fixate the fly rod. Hereby the fly rod is firmly held and will require further effort for wind and waves to loosen.
On the front edge of the stripping basket is a 25 cm (9.8 inches) ruler with a clear mark for every 5 cm. Further the stripping basket has an inside measurement of 40 cm (15.7 inches). These two measurements can be used to determine the size of your fish.
BasKette is equipped with a line lock – a double-sided wedge – that prevents the line from beeing drawn out of the stripping basket when fly fishing in strong wind and high waves.
BasKette is produced in a strong material that lets you use it as a chair. Hereby you can reduce wear on your waders.