Saturday November 2nd, 2024 - Fly Tying Class w/ Scott Biron

Saturday November 2nd, 2024 - Fly Tying Class w/ Scott Biron

Regular price$99.00

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Bears Den Fly Fishing Company

November 2, 2024 12-5:30

Streamer Fly Tying Class Intermediate/Advanced 

Attendees will learn how to tie a single hook and tandem streamers.  All the materials will be provided as part of the class.  You will need your own tools, vice, bobbin, black, white and red fly-tying thread (Danville or UNI will work).  The instructor will have a limited amount of HMH vises and tools if someone needs one, please let the shop know this when you are enrolling in the class.

This class will focus on several patterns, (the instructor shoots to tie 3-4) all patterns will have a slight nuance that will add to your tying techniques.  Patterns will be tied on long shank streamer hooks and tandem hook set ups which will be provided.   

This classes patterns will include:  

Nine Three streamer which is the second most popular pattern in Maine, pattern. 

Willoughby Lake Smelt an old Jim Warner pattern that uses some unique materials.

Bicentennial Smelt Tandem another Warner pattern that is always hot trolling in New England lakes.

Jim Warner Smelt a hidden jewel of a pattern which can be tied to troll or cast with.


Students will walk away from class with a complete set of printed fly pattern recipes that list the materials you will need to tie the patterns when you leave class.  As well as a complete understanding of how to choose the correct materials to tie streamer flies.  Scott always includes a lot of history on the fly tyers and the patterns in each of these classes.

Scott Biron cut his teeth learning to tie flies and fly fish back in the1960s in the North County of New Hampshire. He has fished many of the streams north of Route 26 in NH and his favorite the Androscoggin River. Scott is an active fly-tying instructor for NH Fish & Game and is popular tying and instructing in national, international and regional shows. He was awarded a 2017 NH Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Grant and studied fly tying including Traditional New England Streamer patterns and progressed to Classic Salmon Flies. Since then, he has become a Master Artist in the Traditional Arts Program. He had an apprentice working under him during 2021.  Scott has a strong interest in historical NH fly tyers and their lost patterns and has published, researched, instructed as well as demonstrated many of these lost NH fly patterns. He enjoys instructing individuals of all ages in the art of fly tying and is known for including the history of these tyers and their flies in his instruction. Scott is considered an expert on large group instruction and offers dozens of classes year-round.Scott is a member of the Catskill Fly Tyers Guild, an Ambassador for the American Museum of Fly Fishing.  He is a regular contributor to the Fly Dressers Guild Journal and the NH Wildlife Journal.  Scott is on the Partridge of Redditch, Sprite Hooks, Cortland, Riversmith and Ewing Feather Birds Pro Teams.  He is on the Ambassador Pro Team for HMH Vises. Ewing has come out with a signature series line of feathers under Scott’s name.


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